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                               Bar procedure

  DECLARATION:  Bar(X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : Integer);

      PURPOSE:  Draws a rectangular bar on screen

         UNIT:  Graph

      REMARKS:  Draws a solid rectangle (as used in Bar Graphs) using the
                and color defined by SetFillPattern or SetFillStyle.

                NOTES:  Errors are returned through GraphResult.

                        To draw a an outlined bar, call Bar3D with a depth
                        of zero.

 RESTRICTIONS:  Must be in graphics mode prior to calling.

      EXAMPLE:  Uses Graph;

                   Gd, Gm : Integer;
                   i, width : Integer;

                   Gd := Detect;
                   InitGraph(Gd, Gm, '');
                   If(GraphResult <> grOK) Then
                   Width := 10;
                   For i := 1 To 5 Do
                      Bar(i*width, i*10, Succ(i)*width, 200);

See Also: Bar3D GraphResult SetFillStyle SetFillPattern SetLineStyle
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